How I
Market Your Home
Bellevue Commons Inc

1200 112th Ave NE B100 Bellevue, WA 98004  (425) 462-8000/Fax (425) 450-2600
     We will work together to determine the best possible marketing
plan for your home.
How I Market Your Home
  • Complete a comprehensive information book on your property
  • Create and mail postcards to 100-200 buyer prospects from the identified target markets and provide you a report
  • Visibly place an easily recognizable For Sale sign on your property
  • Mobilize the entire real estate community to bring you buyers through the MLS and Broker Open houses
  • Follow-up with all salespeople who have shown your property
  • Place your property on for worldwide exposure
  • Create a Photo Gallery showcasing your home's best attributes accessible from and (agent resource).
  • Create an easily accessed individualized web page through
  • Create an information brochure for your property promoting the special features of your home
  • Strategically place advertisements designed to generate a call to action
  • Place ads, where appropriate, in unique publications to market niche properties
  • Implement special Windermere programs where applicable to expand the potential buyer base. For instance: The Windermere Bridge Loan, Premier Homes Program, Windermere Relocation, In-house Relocation, etc